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- Hissong, Theresa
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Chapter 20
My eyes felt heavy, like there were weights on them, holding them closed. I tried to blink, to see where I was, but I just couldn’t get my eyes to open. I quickly realized I was moving, and that gave me enough strength to crack my lids slightly. Lights on the ceiling passed slowly and a woman with dark brown hair leaned over, smiling, “Ms. Rose, we are moving you to a room.”
“My head hurts,” I moaned.
“We are almost there,” she replied.
I closed my eyes as the movement stopped. Embracing the relief from pain, I let sleep take me over. Hopefully, my headache would be gone when I woke up.
“Heather,” a deep voice whispered. “My little rose, please open your eyes.”
Donovan was here. His voice, deep and soothing, wrapped around me like a warm blanket. If I just had his arms around me, I’d felt so much better. Why wasn’t he holding me?
“Heather,” he repeated, making me smile.
I tried to open my eyes, but they felt heavy again. I moaned and turned my head, but warm hands held me still. I couldn’t move.
“Heather,” he said, his voice hoarse.
“Don,” I rasped, clearing my throat. “Donovan.”
My eyes fluttered open and I saw him there, leaning over me. God, he was beautiful. Like a dark angel sent from heaven. His blue eyes sparkled when he smiled. His soft, pink lips turned up in the corners and I wanted him so badly to touch his lips to mine.
“Where am I?” I asked, trying to lift my hand, but something tugged on it and kept me from reaching out for him.
“You’re in the hospital,” he said, kissing my forehead.
“What happened?” I asked. My memories were fuzzy at best. I couldn’t remember much of anything.
“You collapsed at the venue,” he sighed, heavily. “A roadie found you in the floor of the green room and called an ambulance. When I came off stage, they were working on you.”
He paused, closing his eyes tight. He blinked a few times before continuing. “I told them about the tumor and your neurosurgeon was called. They did the surgery last night, Heather.”
“It’s gone?” I asked, trying to raise my hand to touch the side of my head, but tubes and wires kept me from moving much.
“Yeah, babe, it’s gone,” he smiled. “You were in the ICU, but they moved you to a room a few hours ago.”
“Where’s Kiera?” I asked, trying my best to look around the room for her.
“She’s on her way back,” he said. “Be ready, because she is mad as hell that she couldn’t get a flight out of Phoenix right away. She should be here in a few hours.”
“Okay,” I smiled, knowing Kiera probably took apart that entire town looking for a way to get on a plane and home to me.
“Do you remember anything?” he asked.
“I’m sorry,” I said, tears pooling in my eyes. “I don’t remember anything.”
“You motioned to me, while I was on stage, that you had a headache and were going to get your pills. You never came back, so I thought you went somewhere quiet until the medicine started working,” he said, taking my hand into his.
“I don’t remember anything other than us arguing over who was going to drive my car,” I laughed.
“I drove,” he smirked.
A middle aged nurse entered the room and introduced herself as Marcy. She smiled warmly at Donovan, her cheeks flushed slightly with recognition. I really couldn’t blame her, because he was beautiful.
“Ms. Rose,” she smiled. “Do you feel like sitting up a little?”
“Yes, please,” I nodded. She handed me the remote for the bed and told me to raise it until I found a comfortable position. I made it almost to the point of being completely upright before a wave a dizziness came over me.
“Whoa,” I sighed, squeezing my eyes closed.
“It’s normal,” she said, adjusting a bag of fluids behind the bed. I pressed the opposite arrow and leaned back a few degrees until the swimming in my head went away. “Better?”
“Yes,” I smiled. “I’m hungry.” My stomach made my request known with a gurgling rumble that made Donovan smile.
“You are on a liquid diet for a few days,” Marcy said. “I’ll get you some broth.”
“Crackers?” I asked. “Please?”
“Sure,” she nodded and left by bedside to wash her hands in the sink.
“Did they get it all?” I asked. “The tumor?”
“They took you for another MRI after the surgery. The doctor hasn’t been in to tell us the results yet, but he believed that they got it all.” He returned to my bedside as the nurse closed the door.
“Thank God,” I said, tears pooling in the corners of my eyes.
“Don’t cry, my little rose,” he whispered, sitting on the edge of the mattress so that he could cup my face with both of his hands.
“I’m sorry,” I said, letting him wipe away my tears. “I’m just relieved.”
“So am I, babe,” he said, pressing his lips to mine. I felt heat roll through me and I blushed when he released his delicate hold on my face. “You are so beautiful.”
“No, I’m not,” I said, looking down at my hands that were resting in my lap. I glanced up at him with wide eyes. “How much of my head did they shave?”
“I don’t know,” he said, pointing one lone finger at my head. “You have a bandage over most of your hair, but I can still see a lot of beautiful blonde curls.”
“Oh,” I gasped, reaching up carefully. I felt the gauze that I didn’t even realize was there. I didn’t press on the spot where they’d gone in to remove the tumor. I didn’t want to hurt myself. I let my hand slide down my hair and smiled when I felt the curls as they rested over my shoulders.
The nurse returned with a cup of broth and three packages of crackers. She told me to eat slowly and I did just that. Donovan watched my every move and only looked away when his phone would chime with an incoming message.
“The guys want to know when you will be up for company,” he laughed. “Rebecca is bugging Pearce about coming up here to see you.”
“They can come whenever, I guess,” I shrugged. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“No,” he laughed at my attempt at a joke. “Not for a few days.”
I asked him to turn on the television while I finished my broth and crackers. I pushed the tray away and reclined the bed a little so that I could get comfortable. I looked over to my left and noticed a couch and another chair. Beside the couch was his duffle bag. I noticed his clothes were different, so I hoped he went home to at least shower.
I closed my eyes from exhaustion and let to the soft hum of the voices on the television lull me into a peaceful sleep.
“Heather, wake up,” Donovan whispered.
I opened my eyes and smiled when the first thing I saw was him, leaning over the rails on the bed. “Hey,” I whispered.
“The doctor’s here,” he smiled. “Can you wake up for us?”
“Sure,” I smiled, rolling from my left side to my back. I raised the bed slightly and saw Dr. Mercier there, holding my chart.
“Heather,” he smiled. “How are you feeling?”
“Good…better,” I replied. “But I’m tired.”
“You will be for a few days,” he said. “We did an MRI after the surgery and I’m very pleased to tell you that we removed the tumor completely. We will know in another day or two if it is benign or not. We are still waiting on the pathology report to come back.”
“When can I go home?” I asked, taking a glance at Donovan. He was sitting on the couch with his elbows resting on the tops of his knees, his hands clasped in front of him. He smiled when he caught me looking at him and gave me a little wink. Why did that still make my heart flutter?
“In about three to five days,” Dr. Mercier replied. “That is, as long as you are progressing well. We want to start physical therapy on you as soon as possible. Someone will come by and meet with you to get you started. I want you to c
ome by my office five days after you are released from the hospital for an appointment, but I will be back to check on you daily while you are here.”
“Thank you,” I said, reaching out to shake his hand.
After the doctor left, I apologized to Donovan again for being so tired. He just smiled and kissed the top the top of my head and told me to sleep…and that’s exactly what I did.
My name was called a few times until I finally opened my eyes. “There’s Donovan’s girl,” Pearce smiled, leaning over my bedrail so that he could kiss my cheek.
“Hey, Pearce,” I smiled. The scent of fresh cut flowers tickled my nose and I looked around my visitors to see that they’d almost filled my room with dozens and dozens of flowers in several different varieties.
“Heather, I’m so glad you are okay.” Rebecca hugged me carefully and wiped away a tear from her cheek, “Sorry, I get emotional.”
“It’s okay, so am I,” I smiled, fighting back my own tears. “Thank you for the flowers.”
“You’re very welcome,” she replied and wrapped her arm around Pearce’s waist.
Liam and Knox came forward to kiss my cheek and to tell me that I looked beautiful. “You are going to start a new fashion statement,” Liam smiled, nodding toward my gauze wrapped head.
“Sure, I’ll make millions,” I laughed, rolling my eyes. Having all four Ares Revenge band members in my hospital room was a little unnerving, but they were quickly becoming my friends.
“When can we bust you out of this place?” Knox asked.
“Three to five more days,” Donovan answered. He’d taken the chair next to my bed, so that he could be close in case I needed him. Liam took the other, smaller, chair and Pearce, Rebecca, and Knox shared the large couch by the window.
“What did the doctor say?” Rebecca asked.
Donovan retold the story from the time I’d gotten here until when the doctor showed up an hour ago. When the doctor had been called from the emergency room, he made the decision to go ahead and take the tumor out. I’d been prepped for surgery and was wheeled back within an hour of arriving at the hospital. Donovan said that I was in and out of it before then, but I didn’t remember anything.
I was in ICU for the first fourteen hours after the surgery. I didn’t remember any part of that, either. “They kept you sedated pretty heavily. You were in a lot of pain.”
“Have you eaten? Been home?” Rebecca asked Donovan.
“Yes,” he nodded. “I ran home while she was in surgery and grabbed a bag of clothes and a shower. I ate something this morning in the cafeteria.”
“I’ll get something and bring it back up to you for dinner,” she smiled.
“Thank you,” he replied.
The guys fell into talk about plans for the next leg of their tour. Listening to them talk had my eyes fluttering closed. I was getting tired again and I didn’t want to fall asleep with guests in the room, but I didn’t have any other choice.
“We will let you get some rest, sweetheart,” Knox announced, causing my eyes to open.
“I’m sorry, I’m not the best company,” I replied.
“You are much better company than that guy,” he laughed, hooking his thumb over his shoulder toward Donovan, who laughed at his friend’s joke.
“Thank you for the flowers,” I said, accepting kisses from each of them before they headed for the door.
A knock caught my attention and I smiled when Kiera popped her head in the door. I laughed when she stopped dead in her tracks at seeing one of her favorite bands all together in my room, “Well, hello.”
“Hi,” Knox smiled, walking up to Kiera and holding out his hand. “And who are you?”
“Kiera,” she blushed. “I’m a friend of Heather’s.”
“She’s my best friend,” I said, watching Knox shamelessly flirt with her.
“It’s nice to meet you then,” he winked, causing Kiera to blush a deep shade of red.
“We are leaving,” Pearce said, rolling his eyes and grabbing Knox by the back of his shirt. “We’ll call you, Donny. Take care of your girl.” He gave me a smile and a wave, dragging a panting Knox out of the room.
“Holy hell, he’s hot,” Kiera said, fanning herself.
“Come here,” I said, holding open my arms. The hot singer all but forgotten, she hurried into my embrace and kissed my cheek.
“I tried to get here as soon as I could,” she said, taking a seat on my bed.
“I’m okay,” I said. “They got the tumor out completely.”
“Thank God,” she sighed, closing her eyes and crossing herself. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied, yawning. “I’m sorry, I’m tired.”
“Get some rest,” she ordered. “I’ll go home and unpack. I’ll be back tomorrow morning before work to check on you.” She smoothed her hand over my cheek in a motherly way that I loved.
“Okay,” I smiled.
The sun was setting outside when she left and I couldn’t hold my eyes open much longer. Donovan kissed me softly on the lips and told me to sleep. It didn’t take long until I succumbed and did as I was told.
Chapter 21
Donovan arrived with a wheelchair and a huge smile plastered on his face. “You ready to go home?”
“Yes, please,” I begged.
It’d been five long days since the surgery and I was finally cleared to go home, but I wasn’t going back to my apartment just yet. I was heading home with Donovan. He’d promised Kiera and the doctors that he was the one that would be watching over me for the next few weeks while I recovered completely.
I’d seen the physical therapist daily since the second day. My strength was crap, but my balance was in much better shape. I’d only lost my balance twice since I was able to get out of my bed and walk around on my own.
Thankfully, the tumor was in a spot that when I styled my hair, no one would be able to see where they’d shaved my head for the surgery. My hair was so long that it was going to take almost a year for it to grow back and I’d tossed around the idea of cutting my hair short, but Donovan just growled whenever I brought it up. He liked my hair long.
The nurse handed me several sheets of paper, along with a card showing my appointment with Dr. Mercier in one week. I was told to get lots of rest and to not do anything strenuous until I was told otherwise. I had appointments for physical therapy twice a week for the next six weeks.
Donovan left ahead of us, saying he’d meet me out front with my car. The nurse took the wheelchair and pushed it down to the elevator and then out the front door of the hospital, where he was there waiting with the car.
“Come on, babe,” he smiled, holding his hand out. I slid my hand into his and accepted his help, smiling when the warm sun touched my face. It’d been too long since I’d been outside. The nurse said her goodbyes and we were off to his house where I would be staying with him for the next few weeks.
“Kiera is bringing over dinner after she gets off work,” he said, placing a hand on my knee. “Do you want anything special?”
“I’d love a John G from Mother’s,” I replied, leaning my head back on the headrest. “If she doesn’t mind.”
“She said she’d bring whatever you wanted,” he said, pulling my hand up to his lips. His beard tickled the back of my hand. I turned my hand around and ran my fingers through the soft hair on his face, loving the feel of him nuzzling my palm. Why did I melt every time he was being so sweet?
We arrived at his place twenty minutes later. He had his remote for the gate attached to my visor and he noticed when I smiled at it, “It’s staying in your car. You are welcome here anytime, Heather.”
“Thank you,” I replied, turning sideways in my seat so that I could see his face. “So, is this thing between us serious?”
He didn’t answer as he pulled the car through the gate and into the courtyard behind his home. Once the car was parked, he turned to me and said, “I’d like to think that what we h
ave is more, little rose.”
“I like more,” I admitted, blushing.
“Come on, babe,” he smiled. “I have cable with about a thousand channels on it, so we may be able to find something good to watch until Kiera gets here with dinner.”
I laughed and let him come around to the other side of the car to help me out. I kept a firm hold on his arm as he led me into the house and into the living room. I smiled when I saw the leather couch was already made up with several pillows and a thick, fleece blanket.
“I set everything up when I came home to shower yesterday,” he admitted, the tops of his cheekbones blushed slightly. I brushed my thumb over the color there and then kissed him softly on the lips.
“That was before I agreed to come home with you, Mr. Milano,” I scolded.
“I wasn’t going to take no for an answer,” he growled. “What did I tell you that first night? Do you remember?”
I looked at him, confused for a moment, trying to remember the things he’d said to me after the concert. “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I don’t remember.”
“I said that if you’re with me, then it’s my responsibility to make sure you are cared for,” he smiled. “And that’s what I’m doing, because you are mine.”
“Yeah, why does everyone keep calling me ‘Donovan’s girl’?” I asked.
“Because you are,” he replied, simply.
“Well, okay,” I laughed and let him lead me over to the couch. I sank into the soft cushions and then noticed he’d removed the back pillows, making it twice as deep as it was the first time I’d sat on it. It was wider than a twin sized bed.
“Do you want something to drink?” he asked.
“No, thank you,” I replied.
“I want you to sleep,” he said, taking a seat beside me on the couch.
“Will you stay?” I asked, hopeful that he would.
“Of course,” he smiled, leaning in to press his lips to mine.
It started off as sweet, but soon heated to boiling. My tongue pressed to his bottom lip, demanding entrance. He growled low in his throat, cupping the side of my face with his warm hand.