Fully Loaded Read online

Page 15

  “Lila?” I blurted. “He said you stole Lila from him.”

  “He said that?” Donovan laughed, but it was a deadly sound. “He’s lying, Heather.”

  “What happened? How does he know her? How do you know him?” I begged, my hand clenched in his ripped up shirt. I inhaled his musky scent, letting it wash over me, calming me slightly.

  “I was at a club one night, down on Bourbon,” he sighed. “I was leaving with Pearce, and when I stepped out the door, I found this guy arguing with his girlfriend. I watched them for a moment and that was all it took. He backhanded her and grabbed her around the throat, choking her. Pearce and I pulled the guy away and called the cops. I sat with her while we waited on the paramedics. She refused to go to the hospital and I ended up taking her home.”

  “It was Lila,” he continued. “She’d dated Trenton for a few months. She told me that night that he had anger issues and that she’d tripped and stumbled into a guy at the bar. Trenton accused her of cheating and that’s how they ended up outside. He was charged, spent some time in jail, and he had to attend anger management classes as part of his punishment. Obviously, they didn’t help.”

  “I’ve never seen him angry before…until that first time,” I said. Looking over my shoulder, I noticed Kiera and the uniformed officer standing at the bedroom door. I snuggled down deeper into Donovan’s hold. I didn’t want him to let me go.

  “When I saw him with you at the bar, I thought he was better, but then he hurt you,” he said. “I beat his ass and told him to stay away from you. I’m so fucking sorry, babe. I thought I scared him away. If I’d thought he’d be waiting for you, I would’ve sent someone with you and Kiera to the apartment.”

  “Kiera did a great job of getting me away,” I said, leaning up to kiss his hardened jaw. His beard tickled my lips and I smiled from the feel of it. It felt like home. He felt like home.

  “Are you okay, Kiera?” Donovan asked, looking over his shoulder at my best friend.

  “I’m fine,” she said. “He didn’t touch me. It was Heather the asshole wanted.”

  “You did a good job, getting her away. Thank you,” Donovan said, nodding toward her.

  “I didn’t do a good enough job,” Kiera cursed, turning to look at me. “Are you okay? Really?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” I promised. “Nothing some Tylenol and a good night’s sleep won’t fix.”

  It took another hour before everyone left and we were alone. Donovan held me in the big Jacuzzi tub in his bathroom and washed the remaining blood off of my face. He’d voiced his concern about injury to my head, but I assured him that my head had not been hit or touched during the whole incident.

  He took me to bed that night, content to hold me. I smiled when he kissed me softly, “Sleep, babe. I love you, so fucking much.”

  Chapter 23

  Donovan was coming home today from being on the road. I’d arrived at his place an hour ago, and spent time dusting and restocking his fridge so that he had some food in the house while he was home. Of course, he would be angry with me for overdoing it, but I’d been feeling better and my strength was almost back to normal. I’d had another MRI two weeks ago and everything looked normal.

  Trenton had been picked up the night after he’d thrown a rock through Kiera’s car window. He’d been in jail ever since. Donovan had been worried about me being home alone, and had a security company come out to install a state-of-the-art security system in my apartment. I now had video cameras at all points in and around my home. Of course, I really didn’t need it, but I let him do it for his own peace of mind.

  My phone rang out with his custom ringtone. He’d set it up while I was in the hospital and I just couldn’t bring myself to change it to something different. I had to make sure I kept my phone on vibrate, because I didn’t want my students to hear Van Halen’s ‘Hot for Teacher’ start playing from my desk drawer when he called me during school hours.

  “Hey, babe,” he said. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  “I’m waiting,” I replied, feeling a thrill shoot through me, knowing he was so close.

  “I want you naked and in the bed when I get there,” he growled, his voice almost a whisper. “I’ve missed you and need to be inside you.”

  “Okay,” I giggled, kicking off my shoes.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you, too,” I replied. “Hurry.”

  He actually arrived in sixteen minutes instead of twenty. I had left a trail of clothes from his kitchen to his bedroom. When he appeared in the doorway, he was already shirtless. The top button of his jeans was undone and I licked my lips from the visual. His long, dark hair was down around his shoulders and his eyes were dark with desire.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said, kicking off his boots and jeans. He was commando underneath.

  “I’ve missed you,” I said, breathless.

  He crawled up the center of the bed, his large hand pushed at my knees, forcing them apart. His tongue snaked out and wet his bottom lip as his gaze zeroed in on my sex. My head shot back deep into the pillow, as he buried his face between my legs.

  He nipped at the folds and sucked greedily on my clit. He silently urged me to come, but it wasn’t until he breached my opening with two fingers, that I cried out his name. I was so close. The climax hung on, teetering on the edge.

  “What do you need, babe?” he demanded.

  “I need you…inside me,” I begged.

  He didn’t speak, just flipped me over, pushing my knees up so that I was exposed for him. I cursed when he seated himself deep within me, reaching around with one hand to pinch my nipple, hard. “Yessss,” I hissed.

  The fingers on his other hand dug painfully into my hip. I fell to my chest as I slid my hand down the length of my body, rubbing harshly against my clit.

  “Pinch it, or I will do it for you,” he growled, demanding me to do what I needed. But I couldn’t and he knew it.

  I was flipped over. My back no sooner hit the bed and he was inside me again, sitting back on his heels. His thumb grazed my clit, once…twice. My head thrashed side to side. He knew what I was needing, but he refused to do it. When I tried to reach between us, he grabbed my hand, pushing it above my head.

  “Put your hands above your head and do not move them,” he growled. I did as I was told. Our eyes met and I couldn’t look away from his stare. The love and understanding in his eyes made tears leak out of mine. His deep, punishing thrusts strengthened. His masculine grunts and my feminine groans echoed throughout the room. He squeezed his eyes shut for just a moment, holding off on his release, but he didn’t touch me, he didn’t give me what he knew I needed.

  “Please,” I begged, tears still streaming down my face.

  “Did you touch yourself while I was away?” he growled.

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “I can’t do it without you.”

  “I know,” he smiled, bringing his thumb back to my aching sex. With one hard pinch, he gave me what I so desperately needed.

  I cursed…he bucked. We both came harder than I think we’d ever come before. My body felt as if it was floating. My throat seized up and I couldn’t cry out or even breathe as I felt him release inside me. He hadn’t worn a condom and that was okay. We were both clean and I was protected. We’d both made sure of that while he’d been away.

  I didn’t know how long it was before I came back to the here and now, but he was on his back and I was in his arms, my head resting on the cup of his shoulder. He kissed my head, “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Hey,” I whispered.

  “You okay?” he asked, stroking the naked skin of my shoulder.

  “Yes,” I replied, my thumb tracing lazy circles around his nipple.

  We stayed in bed for the longest time, touching…kissing. It was two hours later that we dressed and made our way to the living room where we watched television for the rest of the day. Donovan ordered takeout and we sat on his couch watching a vampir
e movie from the eighties.

  As I looked at him, I realized that dating a rockstar was a lot simpler than I’d thought. Donovan made my life…normal. After everything we’d been through, he was here…with me. The sexy-as-fuck bassist was mine.

  I laughed to myself as we took our empty plates into the kitchen. He looked at me with a brow raised, “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing,” I blushed, reaching into the pantry. “Nothing at all.”

  “What do you have there?” he smiled, widely.

  “I bought you some Oreos,” I said, laying them on the countertop.

  “Double stuffed?” he asked, pressing his lips against mine.

  “You know it,” I giggled, pushing him away so that I could put my cup in the dishwasher.

  “Tonight,” he said, coming up behind me and pressing his erection into the seam of my ass. “We are going to eat Oreos in bed, babe.”

  We had a long road ahead of us. Our relationship would struggle at times, but I was willing to make it work. Donovan gave me what I needed…when I needed it. I gave him my heart, even though I was reluctant in the beginning. He’d been nothing but perfect from the day he’d spotted me in the crowd.

  “I love you,” I whispered as he kissed the top of my shoulder.

  “And I love you, little rose,” he replied, kissing his way up my neck.

  I laughed as he scooped me up into his arms and grabbed the bag of Oreos off the counter. He gave me a wicked smile and lopped off toward the bedroom.

  The End


  There’s really only one person to thank, wholeheartedly, for this book to even become a reality.

  Matt DiRito…

  I’m going to tell you a little story, because it was very special to me.

  I do not remember the date, but it was about a year and half before this book was written, that I drove 6 hours to Missouri to see Matt’s band play for the first time. I’d made a comment, on Twitter that I hoped to meet him. Well…the fans seemed to think that was a great idea as well and begged him to meet with me. So, the afternoon of the show, Matt told me where to find him. The undisclosed location was actually an empty parking lot a few blocks over from my hotel and the venue.

  As I pulled up and parked next to this big, black tour bus, he was squatted down over the tiniest freaking bbq grill I’d ever seen, cooking the largest hunk of meat I’d ever seen a man cook for himself. He looked up at me, smiled, and said, “Hey! It’s nice to finally meet you.” He gives the best hugs! Just sayin’!

  Well, after I bribed him with ammo for his gun, we chatted for a bit, before the rain came in and I left to go back to my hotel. The concert that night blew me away and so did the ones after that and after that…

  I soon took my son to see them in Birmingham, Alabama and got VIP tickets so that he could meet Matt and his crew. I also received the “Mom of the Year Award” for that year from my 14 year old son! Because he is a huge fan as well!

  One day, I was feeling spunky (that happens a lot!) and I decided to tweet Matt that I should write a book starring him. We kind of laughed it off, thought it was hilarious, and let it be, but noooooo, the fans saw it and BAM! An idea was formed.

  I went to Matt and asked him if he’d be willing to let me use him as look-a-like for a character. I knew that he was in the early stages of setting up Star Treatments and I offered to give him a chunk of the proceeds if he let me make my own little Matt character. You see, his charity touched a part of my soul, being as I’d lost my sister to childhood cancer when I was eleven and she was seventeen. I knew immediately that I wanted to help raise money for his vision.

  Thankfully, he said ‘Yes’.

  As I worked over this idea, I studied. I then went to Little Rock and I had to set my fangirl aside to watch the show as research. (Matt, you still owe me a lunch date!) Anyway, that’s when the ideas came together for the book you just read.

  Please understand that I did not make Donovan Milano exactly like Matt. I had to use Matt as my shell. What I put inside that shell is from my own mind and ideas.

  Thank you to Matt for being the kindhearted man that you are and for the idea to start Star Treatments. I thank you for your friendship and can’t wait for the next time I get to see you on stage!

  I hope that you enjoyed, Fully Loaded.

  As for the fans, mine and Matt’s…Holy COW! You guys are like the most amazing people I have had the opportunity to talk with in my entire life. Your dedication to Matt, me, the book, the charity…all of it, is so amazing. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate you interacting with me, retweeting, reposting, messaging me, sending emails, and snail mail. All of it does not go unnoticed. I get my own thrill when you send me personal messages. To me, you are my rockstar! I love you all so very much!

  Please feel free to contact me anytime on social media or by mail. For more information on how to contact me, please visit http://authortheresahissong.com

  For more info on Star Treatments, please visit www.startreatments.org

  Thank you doesn’t seem like a strong enough word to finish out this journey, but that’s all I have.

  Love, Laugh, Read!

  Much Love!

  Theresa Hissong

  About Theresa Hissong:

  Theresa is a mother of two and the wife of a retired Air Force Master Sergeant. After seventeen years traveling the country, moving from base to base, the family has settled their roots back in Theresa’s home town of Olive Branch, MS., where she enjoys her time with old friends and family.

  After almost three years of managing a retail bookstore, Theresa has gone behind the scenes to write romantic stories with flare. As a romance book lover, Theresa daydreams of the perfect love affair and takes those ideas to paper.

  Look for other exciting reads…coming very soon!

  Please keep reading for an excerpt from “Sing to Me”, Part 1 of “A Glory Days Production”.

  A Glory Days Production

  “Sing to Me”

  My brain cells started firing and I knew I wasn’t home in my bed, because this bed was too soft and warm. I rolled over and the clock said it was a few minutes past nine. For me to sleep this late, I knew I’d been tired last night.

  And then I remembered Ash.

  I’d fallen asleep in the middle of our conversation. He must have put me to bed. I looked down and realized I was still in my clothes from the previous night. Ash probably thought there was something wrong with me.

  This man wanted to own me, possess me, and take care of me. But at what cost? Would he strip me of my dignity? Offer me to others? How deep in this lifestyle was he? Why was I willing to give it all up to him?

  Shaking my head, I just wouldn’t think about it today. Today was our first full day in Las Vegas and I wanted to play. My excitement for tonight’s show was bubbling up in my system so fast that I wanted to run around the room shouting at the top of my lungs.

  I was here with Glory Days. And last night I kissed Ash Martin.

  My throat was parched and I wanted to get in a little sun. I jumped up and went into the little kitchenette to grab the coffee maker. Thankfully, the thing made coffee quick. I’d just settled down in front of the T.V. when Liana came out yawning, her black hair in a pigs nest around her petite face.

  “Morning,” she growled. I pointed toward the coffee and laughed. This was the only time of the day Liana wasn’t going full throttle and I enjoyed the quietness.

  But that wouldn’t last long.

  “Alright, spill,” she laughed at my expression. Liana dumped another three spoons full of sugar into her coffee and waited.

  “Nothing happened,” I admitted. Nothing she was thinking about. What we did speak of, was not something I would repeat. “We just talked.”

  “About?” she probed. Oh, hell no. I wasn’t spilling Ash’s secrets. Or about the kiss.

  “Photography,” I said, which wasn’t a lie.

  “And?” she asked. “Did he
kiss you?”

  “Yes,” I muttered, standing up to dump my cup into the sink then returned to my seat at the table. I fiddled with the fringe on the placemat so I had something to do with my hands.

  “And?” she asked again. What did I tell her? Could I tell her he wants to be the dom to my sub? That sounded so dirty. So…so, amazingly erotic.

  “That’s it,” I lied. “We talked. He kissed me. I fell asleep on the couch and I’m pretty sure he put me to bed in my clothes.”

  Liana came around to join me at the table. I think she knew I was a big fat liar pants. The look on her face said it all. I turned to look out the windows so I didn’t have to see her analyzing my expressions.

  The sun was coming up over the top of the hotel and the room grew a little brighter with each passing minute. The pool was looking really great about now.

  “Ok,” she swallowed a huge drink of coffee. “So, what do you want to do now?”

  I said simply, “Pool.”

  David, the bodyguard, escorted us down to the pool an hour later. Not many people had ventured out this early to enjoy the desert sun, but Liana and I didn’t mind. We tried to get David to stop by his room and change but he refused to take a needed break. When we reached the lounging chairs, he took his place in the shade behind us and waited patiently while we laid back soaking up the sun.

  I popped my sunglasses on my face and relaxed in the plush chairs. My bikini was blue, just like my eyes and I fanned my hair out behind me, letting it dry naturally from the quick shower earlier. I could get use to this. A little voice inside my head said I could have this anytime I wanted if I’d just use the money in savings. I squashed that thought as soon as it struck.

  The sun reflected off the pool and the smell of chlorine in the air tickled my nose a little. A cute cabana boy came by and got our drink order. When I tried to pay him, I was waved off and told my bill was covered. Liana just rolled her eyes and sipped her Mimosa.