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Savage (Rise of the Pride, Book 3) Page 16

  “Let me see you,” Savage said, his voice unnaturally calm as he placed her in the passenger seat.

  Mary Grace sighed in relief when Savage wrapped his arms around her body, trying to touch every inch of her skin. When he pushed back, she made a sound of protest, but otherwise stayed quiet.

  “Our babe is okay.” Savage breathed a sigh of relief as he placed his hand on her stomach. “I can sense him and he isn’t in distress.”

  “Thank God,” she cried, finally letting the entire event crash down over her. His mate scrambled to climb into his lap as he jumped up into the Guardian’s vehicle. He closed the door to block out the cool night air and just held her, his eyes closing in a silent prayer.

  An older model sedan arrived a few minutes later. The healer exited the car, holding his black bag. Savage opened the door and signaled for Harold. The male set his bag on the hood of the truck and pulled out a pair of gloves.

  “Mary Grace,” he announced, his voice soft. “I need to check over you.”

  “I’m fine,” she mumbled against Savage’s neck. “I’m fine.”

  “Let the healer look at you,” Savage urged. The last thing he wanted to do was let her go, but he needed to make sure Mary Grace and his unborn babe were truly okay.

  Mary Grace nodded and sat up in Savage’s lap. He wanted the healer to look her over, but he needed to make sure she wasn’t in pain. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms while the healer checked her feet and legs. The exam was quick, but thorough.

  “You’re very dehydrated.” Harold frowned. “I’d like to take you back to the pride and give you some fluids by I.V.”

  “Can you take her back to the pride house for me?” Savage asked, knowing that if his mate was safe, he would be able to take his vengeance out on the male inside the building and the men who were being detained by his alpha. He set her on the seat he’d just occupied and slid out of the truck.

  “I’m not leaving you here,” Mary Grace cried. “You’ll kill that male.”

  “You’re damn right I’m going to kill that male,” Savage growled, feeling his panther demand blood.

  “Savage,” she snapped, touching his arm. When Savage didn’t look directly at his mate, she snarled and called his name again. “Savage! Look at me.”

  “I will deal out justice to those who harmed you,” he vowed, pushing back from the door of the truck. “Go home with the healer. I’ll be there soon.”

  “Oh no you don’t, Savage Corvera,” Mary Grace cursed, coming alive. She slid out of her seat and pushed a finger into his chest. Savage looked down, then back up at her in disbelief.

  “You need to go home, now,” he ordered.

  “That male in there was protecting me from the scientist,” she stated, not backing down. Her eyes still glowed amber because her panther was present. “He was taken from his pride and is weak, but he still placed himself in front of me when they would come take me. The only time he didn’t was when they sedated him.”

  “He touched you!”

  “He’s half crazed, Savage. They drugged him and he didn’t know what he was doing,” she cried, grabbing his arm. “Please help him!”

  “I won’t kill him,” Savage conceded, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Please go with Harold, and I will be home soon.”

  She searched his face for a moment before nodding toward the healer. Once Savage had her in the car, he turned for the warehouse. He needed to be with his mate, but he also needed to find out what information the lab had gathered so he could destroy it.

  The male was dressed when Savage returned to the basement of the warehouse. Talon was sitting on a chair as he talked to the male who’d been locked in a cage with his mate. Both men looked up as he approached. Talon stepped away so Savage could talk to the shifter.

  “What’s your name?” Savage demanded.

  “Kraven,” the male replied.

  “You touched my mate,” Savage stated, his panther prowling beneath his skin. The animal inside wanted more blood.

  “I didn’t know,” the male cried. “They drugged me. I didn’t know she was with young until the medicines wore off. After that, I tried to protect her. I really tried, but they would drug me when I wouldn’t mount her. I refused.”

  “Oh, God!” Savage swayed. “They wanted you to mount my mate?”

  “Yes,” Kraven replied, looking toward the floor. “I didn’t touch her in that way, but I understand if you must put me down. I have failed a female of my race.”

  “You didn’t fail my mate,” Savage said, walking up to the male. As much as he wanted blood, he realized that this male was worthy. “Where is your pride?”

  “North Carolina,” Kraven answered.

  “I’ve contacted them,” Talon announced as he walked in the room, dropping his phone into his back pocket. “They are on their way to pick you up.”

  “Where is my alpha?” the male asked, then frowned. “I called for him, but he never answered.”

  “Kraven,” Talon sighed sadly, retaking a seat in front of the male. “They killed your alpha. A new alpha has taken the reins. Without his blood and oath, you didn’t have an alpha to reach out to for help. I’m so sorry.”

  “Jesus,” Kraven said, running his hands through his short, dark hair.

  “You are allowed to stay at our pride until they arrive,” Talon offered.

  “I appreciate it, but I don’t know if I can be around the female,” Kraven admitted, glancing at Savage. “My guilt from not protecting her is too much.”

  “You may see my mate after the healer has attended to her,” Savage said, feeling sorry for the male. The guilt in his eyes made Savage’s heart hurt. No male should live with that feeling. The females were precious to them and a mate who was with young was most cherished.

  “Are you sure?” Kraven asked, his eyes clearing just a little.

  “I’d like to have my healer take a look at you as well,” Talon interrupted.

  “As soon as I apologize to your mate, I will stay in a hotel room until my pride arrives,” he promised.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Savage said, holding out his hand to the male.

  Kraven took Savage’s hand in a firm shake. It was over. The shifter was saved and the ones involved were being taken care of by the pride.

  Now, he needed to get home to check on his mate and his unborn babe.

  “Is my baby okay?” she whimpered. The entire event was finally coming down on her. She was trying to be strong, but the tears just kept leaking out of her eyes.

  “Your young is healthy,” the healer promised, putting away his things in a black bag on the dresser. “I would advise you stay on bedrest for a few days. You’ve been through a trauma and your body needs to heal.”

  “Okay,” she sighed, wiping at her cheeks. “I think I can do that.”

  “Let that I.V. do its thing, and I’m sure you’ll feel even better after a good night’s sleep.” Harold smiled at her. The older man had a gentle bedside manner and she was thankful he was there. She felt at ease with the pride’s doctor.

  As the healer started to leave, Mary Grace heard the heavy footfalls of her mate coming down the hallway. Harold stepped outside the door, leaving it open wide for Savage to come through. As soon as he saw the tube hooked up to her arm, his eyes sparked amber, but he didn’t snarl. However, his eyes did glaze over as moisture welled up in the corners.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice cracking slightly.

  “I’m going to be fine.” She grinned, relieved that he was there and unharmed.

  “Our babe?” His hand rested softly on her belly and she covered his hand with her own.

  “Is fine, Savage,” she sighed, stopping herself from rolling her eyes. He’d already told her that he sensed their baby wasn’t harmed, but she figured he wanted the healer to confirm it.

  “What can I do?” he asked, looking a bit lost.

  “Can you get me some food?” she asked, giving him something to do. />
  “I’ll have one of the females bring it up,” he said, texting someone from his phone. “What did the healer say?”

  Well, that didn’t go as planned. She thought that giving him a task would put him at ease, but it looked like he was going to be a doting mate for the next few days.

  “He wants me to rest for a few days,” she admitted.

  “Good.” Savage nodded, taking a seat on the edge of the bed, careful of the I.V. attached to her arm. “I need to hold you.”

  She didn’t speak as she sat up, allowing him to slide in behind her. Savage pulled her back against his chest and wrapped his massive arms around her, kissing the top of her head. There was no way she was going to tell him to let her go. Not after the craziness of the last several hours.

  It didn’t take long before there was a knock on the door. Savage called out for the person to enter the room. Mrs. Shaw, Talon’s mother, entered, setting the tray on the bedside table. “Please let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Shaw,” Mary Grace said, smiling at the woman.

  Mrs. Shaw nodded and backed out of the room. Savage reached for the tray and, with one hand, brought it in front of her. She didn’t waste time digging into the food. She was so hungry.

  “After you are released from bedrest,” Savage said once she was done eating, “I want to show you our new home.”

  “It’s ready?” she squealed, smiling wide.

  “It will be tomorrow.” He laughed when she giggled.

  “Yes, I can’t wait to see it.”

  “Good,” he said, pulling her back to his chest. “I’m ready to move in and start our life together.”

  After she ate, Savage held her as she napped against his chest, relishing in the soft purr coming from his chest. The sound was comforting and his warmth helped relax her into a light sleep. The healer came by at some point and removed the I.V., saying that he’d be around if needed. It was hours before a knock on the door woke her. Savage protested, but she called out for whoever was on the other side to come in. Talon opened the door and smiled warmly at him.

  “How are you feeling, Mary Grace?” he asked, standing in the doorway. He didn’t make a move to enter.

  “I’m feeling much better,” she answered.

  “The male who was with you is wanting to see you to apologize,” Talon announced.

  “Apologize?” She frowned at Talon. “For what?”

  “The male is dealing with a lot of guilt for his part in causing you pain,” Savage explained. “He was given drugs that made him unaware of what he was doing.”

  “Oh my God, Savage,” she gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “He shouldn’t feel guilty.”

  “He is a worthy male, sweetheart,” Savage said, shaking his head. “Any male would be eaten up with sorrow and guilt for harming a pregnant female.”

  “Can I see him?” Mary Grace asked, looking to Savage and then to her alpha.

  “Only if you feel up to going downstairs,” Talon said, giving her a hard stare.

  “I’d like to see him,” she said, then froze. “I don’t even know his name.”

  “His name is Kraven and he is a Guardian with a pride in North Carolina,” Talon said, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe. “He and his alpha were ambushed when they arrived back at their pride. Kraven was taken and his alpha was killed.”

  “That’s why his alpha wasn’t hearing him,” Mary Grace said, wiping at a tear that leaked from her eye.

  “They have appointed a new alpha and they are on their way to pick him up,” Talon said. “They should be here in a few hours.”

  “May I see him? Is he here?” she asked.

  “Come downstairs and put the male at ease so he can go home and start over with his new alpha,” Savage urged.

  Mary Grace took Savage’s hand and followed Talon down the large staircase. When they approached the living room, Kraven was sitting in one of the high back chairs by the fireplace, his head hung over his clasped hands. The moment she stepped down into the sunken living room, his head raised and Mary Grace wanted to reach out and hold him. The pain and guilt in his eyes tore at her heart.

  “Kraven?” she asked, approaching the male. He looked nothing like he did while in the cage. He’d obviously showered and someone had given him clothes. His jet black hair was combed back away from his face, his ice blue eyes stood out against his tanned skin.

  “Mary Grace,” he choked, standing to his full height, but in a move that shocked her, fell to one knee. The male was weak, but this was a sign of respect. Somehow, she knew this. “I am so sorry for laying my hands on you and causing you pain. The drugs they’d given me made me unaware of the things I was doing.”

  “You have nothing to feel guilty for,” she told him. “Please, stand up, Kraven.”

  “Your mate is a very lucky male,” Kraven said as he nodded toward Savage.

  “I am the one who is lucky.” She smiled when he finally stood up from his kneeling position.

  “My pride is coming soon, and I thank you for allowing me to apologize in person,” he said, but froze when Savage stepped forward, extending his hand.

  “I thank you for protecting my mate,” Savage said, his voice deep and solid. “You saved not only the mate of my heart, but my only babe.”

  “No one should ever harm a female,” Kraven declared, his eyes flickering to Mary Grace’s stomach. “I’m just thankful that I was able to shield her when I could.”

  “If there is anything I can ever do to repay you, Kraven,” Savage offered, standing tall. “Please let me know.”

  “I think I will just go back to my pride and mourn the loss of our alpha,” he answered.

  Talon’s phone rang and after a few words, he announced that Kraven’s pride had arrived. The male nodded and walked out the door.

  At least his head wasn’t hung in shame when the door closed behind him.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The Guardians were gathered in Talon’s office and the door was locked tight. Savage was away from the house, showing Mary Grace the home that had been built for them to live in as a mated couple.

  Talon was pacing a hole in the floor in front of his desk. The information Mary Grace and Kraven had given him was the topic of heated discussion in the room. Even the sheriff was there, wearing plain clothes.

  “So, the fat man kept saying that the ‘Community’ was behind the lab?” Ranger frowned. “What the fuck does that even mean?”

  “We have no leads on any underground organizations by that name,” Garrett Lynch replied. “This is news to us as well.”

  “Whatever this ‘Community’ is has not been stopped just because we shut down that facility,” Talon snarled. “Ranger, you are the most tech savvy Guardian in my pride. I need you to dig into this and find me information.”

  “I can do that, alpha,” Ranger nodded.

  “Nothing illegal,” the sheriff warned, giving all of the Guardians a hard glare. “You do not hack into any database. I cannot protect you if you step over the line.”

  No one said anything to the sheriff about how he’d stepped over plenty of lines by turning a blind eye the night they’d stormed Rycon Industries and killed several men to save Mary Grace and another shifter.

  “I will be on my best behavior,” Ranger promised. Talon also knew that his Guardian was lying through his teeth. That male could hack into the tightest of computers. Finding where to start was going to be a problem because Rycon Industries had completely vanished within hours of their raid.

  “I will find out what I can,” the sheriff offered. “I need to head out, but I’ll be in touch.”

  As soon as the lawman drove out of sight, Talon turned to his Guardians.

  “This is not over,” he warned.

  “No, it’s not,” Booth agreed.

  Every one of the males in the room growled low in their throats. Times were changing and it was time the pride rose up and took back their futur

  Mary Grace rolled her eyes behind the blindfold. Savage was vibrating with excitement next to her as they walked toward their new home. It was still a surprise to her because she had refused to go take a peek at it while it was being built.

  “Are you ready?” he asked, placing his hands on her shoulders.

  “I’m ready,” she giggled. The blindfold fell away and she gasped when her eyes cleared.

  The home was larger than any cottage she’d seen on the pride’s land. The exterior was a white brick and the trim had dark wood accents. The focal point was a huge bay window that looked out over the front yard. A two car garage was on the left and the front door was just off center to the right.

  “It’s beautiful,” she gushed, turning around and jumping into his arms. “I love it!”

  “You haven’t seen the inside yet,” he chuckled, pulling her hand.

  The door wasn’t locked, so he pushed it open. Mary Grace sucked in a breath at the large living room; two overstuffed brown couches filling the space. The walls were painted a soft brown, reminding her of the woods behind the alpha’s home. To the right was a large kitchen with brand new appliances, a large wooden table that sat six was off to the side.

  “It’s beautiful,” she repeated, so shocked at the handiwork that she couldn’t believe he’d built it for her. “I still can’t believe you made this for me.”

  “Come this way,” he smiled, taking her hand.

  Down the hallway were three bedrooms, two of them sat empty. She came upon a set of double doors and Savage reached over to push them wide open. The master bedroom was spacious and in the corner of the room sat a tall, four poster bed that was fit for a king and queen.

  “Everything is perfect,” she sniffled, turning around to look at Savage. One side of his face was covered with hair as he watched her from under his lashes. She reached up and pushed away the strands so she could look at him.

  “I wanted it to be perfect,” he whispered, taking her into his arms. “For our family.”