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- Hissong, Theresa
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“I can’t believe you slept with him after the concert, Heather,” Rio scolded. “What’s wrong with you?”
“I don’t know!” I snarled. “Geez, it’s not like any of you haven’t had a one night stand.” I looked at each of them and raised a brow, just begging them to tell me differently.
“Well, that’s us,” Rio said, rolling his eyes. “That’s not you. You’re sweet and innocent and a teacher, for crying out loud!”
“Oh, shut up, Rio,” Kiera said, slapping his arm. “Everyone deserves to get naughty every once in a while, even Heather.”
“Oh my God,” I groaned. “Why are we discussing my sex life over lunch?”
“Because this is good stuff,” Kiera laughed. “Now, spill!”
“We didn’t have sex last night,” I sighed. “I told him we couldn’t do this. He was angry that I didn’t want to try a relationship with him and I’ll probably never hear from him again. He was pretty pissed off when he dropped me off this morning.”
“Well, that’s not what I expected,” she laughed.
“Geez, Kiera,” I scoffed. “I’m not a whore.”
Trenton stood up from his seat and tossed his wrapper and napkin in the trash. He’d been quiet during lunch, and I couldn’t look at him, because I was suddenly nervous to talk about Donovan in front of him. I just hoped that he got the message and realized I didn’t like him that way.
“I’m heading out,” he announced, still not making eye contact. “I’ll talk to you guys later in the week.” We said our goodbyes and watched as he walked out of my door without a backwards glance.
“What’s his problem?” I asked, still staring at the closed door.
“He was so pissed last night,” Kiera said, shaking her head. “He didn’t want you going with Donovan. He said that Donovan wasn’t right for you, but he wouldn’t elaborate on it.”
“Does Trenton know Donovan?” I asked.
“Not that I know of,” Rio said, taking his trash to the kitchen and returning to the table.
“Why the hell is he so concerned?” Kiera asked. Rio and I gave her a look, and she actually slapped her palm to her forehead. “I’m an idiot.”
“I don’t like him like that,” I admitted. “He’s a great guy, but not my type.”
“What’s your type?” Kiera smiled. “Donovan Milano?”
“Kiera!” I scolded her and went to the kitchen to pour myself another glass of tea. Sirens wailed in the distance and I looked out my kitchen window to see them pass in the opposite direction that Trenton went to go back to his place.
“Do you think you’ll hear from Donovan again?” Rio asked.
“I honestly don’t know,” I sighed. “He’s nice, but it won’t work. I can’t be a rockstar’s girlfriend.”
“Just keep telling yourself that,” Kiera smiled.
It took them a bit to leave, but I was finally alone. I sat down and worked on a lesson plan for the next week and tried to keep my mind off of Donovan Milano, music, and friends who meddled too much for their own good.
The buzzer sounded and I looked up from my notes. It was six in the evening, and I’d been so wrapped up in work that I hadn’t even noticed the time. It was Sunday evening and most of the weekend tourists had already headed back to their homes, leaving the Quarter much quieter than it was the night before.
“Heather, it’s Trenton.” He called out from the other side of the door. I was a little shocked, because I wasn’t expecting Trenton to come back to my place.
“What’s up?” I asked, opening the door. “Did you forget something?”
“No,” he smiled. “I was just in the area and thought I’d stop by to see if you wanted to grab a bite to eat.”
“That’s sweet of you, Trenton, but I can’t,” I said, pointing behind me to the couch. “I’m still working on my lesson plan for tomorrow.”
“Oh,” he said, looking defeated. “Maybe one night after school is out?”
“Maybe we can all go out one night when you and Rio are off work,” I shrugged. I really didn’t have the heart to let him down, but maybe if I made it a group thing, he’d get the hint.
“Yeah, maybe,” he sighed, shuffling one foot as if he was kicking an invisible rock. “I’ll get out of here so you can get back to planning.”
“Thanks, Trenton,” I smiled.
I shut the door and heard when the metal door downstairs clanked as he closed it, only to hear it creak when it reopened. I frowned and wondered what else he wanted to say. Opening the door, I looked down the stairs and I gasped when I looked into the eyes of one pissed off rockstar.
Chapter 7
“Are you okay?” Donovan demanded, taking two steps at a time to reach the landing outside my door.
“Well, yes,” I frowned. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I don’t like him,” he said, hooking a thumb over his shoulder, indicating Trenton. That was very strange, because Trenton didn’t like him either. I had a feeling someone wasn’t telling me something and that just pissed me off to be in the dark.
“Why don’t you like him?” I asked, not moving from my spot at the door.
“He wants to fuck you, Heather,” he growled.
“What?” I gasped.
“I saw the way he looked at you,” he said, his eyes narrowing. “He wants what is mine, and I don’t trust him. He’s dangerous.” I ignored his outburst, even though I was overcome with a chill at him claiming me as his. I shivered slightly at the thrill of excitement that ran through my veins at hearing those words.
“Why are you here?” I asked, changing the subject
“We had dinner plans,” he replied. I frowned as he pushed past me and walked into my apartment. I stood at the door and crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at him.
“No, we didn’t.” I watched as he walked over to my couch and took a seat. He looked over my lesson plans before raising his eyes to give me a hard stare.
“Yes, babe,” he smirked. “We did.” I took a step back when he immediately rose from the couch and walked toward me. I knew that look in his eye. It was the same one he’d given me from the stage.
“Donovan,” I warned, but he didn’t stop his approach.
When he cupped my face with his large hands, I knew I was doomed. The first brush of his lips made me sigh. The second was harder, fiercer. When his tongue pressed to my bottom lip, demanding entrance, I knew I wanted him. And from the hardness he was pressing against my belly, I knew he wanted me, too.
“You are so beautiful,” he breathed. “I can’t stay away from you. My body craves you, my little rose. My cock is constantly hard around you and damn it, I have to have you.”
My back hit the wall and my legs raised on their own, wrapping around his waist. His cock pressed into my sex through our clothes, and I found myself grinding against him like a wanton whore in heat.
His teeth bit into the sensitive spot below my ear and with his hand on my throat, he held my head in place for his assault on my skin. Hands tore at clothes, kisses became bruising, and moans became screams, as our need for each other boiled to the surface. He was rough…demanding and I fucking wanted it.
My hands dug into his long, dark hair, pulling him closer to my lips. I wanted him so much that it scared me. His hands were all over me, holding me tightly, and my nails left marks on his shoulders as I pulled him closer to me. I knew we’d both have bruises tomorrow morning.
My bra was tossed somewhere along with our shirts, and I sighed from the feel of his bare chest against my aching breasts. I heard the rasp of his zipper and let him carry me backwards to the kitchen table that I’d just had lunch at with my friends hours before. The same place I’d told them that nothing was happening between Donovan and myself. I was not only lying to them, I was lying to myself.
My back hit the table with a force that made a loud noise in the room. It echoed off the walls and could be heard over my moans. He pulled at my jeans and tossed them aside. My pale pink panties
followed the direction of my pants, and I found myself naked on my kitchen table with Donovan between my legs.
He groped my breasts tightly as he pushed them together, licking a path from my left nipple to the right one. My head rolled back and I let him take liberties with my body. I yelped when he used his teeth against my nipple and I found that I liked it more than I should.
“Fuck,” I growled. Oh, God. This rough and demanding Donovan was what I needed…craved in my life for so long. The passion between us could set the world on fire, if I let it…if I gave in and let him own me.
“Yes, babe,” he panted, trailing a wet path of kisses down my stomach. He didn’t stop when he got to my pussy, and I gasped out in pleasure when he shoved my legs open enough to fit his shoulders between them. When he buried his face between my legs, I almost came from the intensity of it all. The different sensations of his beard, his teeth, and his tongue against my sex, caused my body to convulse.
“Oh, Donovan,” I moaned, feeling my body tighten and coil, ready to explode.
“Come for me,” he demanded. His hot breath caressed the sensitive skin between my legs.
“I…I can’t,” I cried, thrashing my head from side to side. He was intense…what he was doing was intense, but I needed more.
“Yes, you can,” he growled, pushing two fingers inside me. “I want to feel you come on my tongue.” He pressed his tongue to my clit, sucking the little nub and flicking it harshly with his tongue. “Come, Heather.”
His deep voice, the guttural command…the fierceness of his teeth and tongue against my sex caused my body to ignite.
“Donovan!” I cried, my hips bucked and twisted from the force of my climax, but he held me down with his forearm across my hips. He lapped at my sex, taking my orgasm just as he’d promised…with his tongue.
He let go of me once my body came down from the high of my release. I heard the sound of a wrapper and I knew he was preparing himself to take me. I whimpered from the loss of touch and the aftershocks that were still racking my body.
“I’ve got you, babe,” he said, rolling the condom over his erection.
I tried to grasp his shoulders, but he growled deep in his throat and took both of my hands into one of his, pushing them back to the table and pining them above my head. My breasts arched up, and the hungry gleam in Donovan’s eyes caused my sex to moisten and pulse with need for him to be inside me.
With his free hand, he guided his cock into my sex, both of us cursing loudly as he seated himself deep inside me. For a second, I worried my little table wouldn’t hold us, but when he started to thrust, I found that I really didn’t care what happened as long as he didn’t stop what he was doing to me.
“I’m going to take you to eat after I fuck you, Heather,” he growled. When I looked into his eyes, he looked feral. His beautiful eyes darkened with lust and need. “You will not deny me this. You need to eat and I’m going to be taking care of you.”
“Donovan,” I moaned, trying to fight his demands.
“You do not argue with me,” he grunted as he thrust deep. “Understand?”
“Mmm,” I moaned, not really comprehending his words.
“Answer me, Heather,” he said, pausing his movements. I panted heavily. Oh, God! I’m so close.
“Yes,” I hissed, swiveling my hips. “Yes, Donovan. I understand. Now, please…please don’t stop!”
His thumb brushed my clit and I jerked from the tingling sensation it caused. My pussy tightened and he released my hands so that he could plant both of his flat on the table beside my shoulders. He rutted deep, and the sounds of our bodies slapping together only made the act more carnal…more lascivious.
“Come for me, little rose,” he urged, rubbing circles around my clit, causing it to swell with need. “Now.” Instead of giving my clit another touch, he pinched my nipple, hard. When that didn’t set me off, he used both hands to pinch my nipples equally.
As the warmth spread through my breasts, I felt a quickening deep in my womb, my sex rippled and tightened. One large hand slid down the center of my body, his fingers reaching the apex of my thighs. He put just the right amount of pressure on the nub between my legs and my back arched off the table.
My orgasm struck without much of a warning. The release sated every muscle in my body, allowing my back to slump back to the table.
“Yes,” he hissed as his own release struck fast and hard.
“Mmm,” I moaned, accepted a soft kiss from him. “Do we have to move?”
“Yes,” he chuckled, pulling away. “We have dinner plans. Now, come on.” He slowly slid free of my body and I watched as he walked into my bathroom, his pants hanging below his ass cheeks. His ass is even beautiful!
I followed him and smiled when he met me at the bathroom door. His warm arms surrounded me and he kissed the tip of my nose. “I want you to meet my band.”
“Oh,” I gasped, surprised.
“Well,” he smiled. “Only two of them. Knox and Liam are meeting us for sushi tonight. It’ll be fun.”
“Sure,” I blushed. “Let me shower.”
“No,” he growled. The look in his eyes turned to fire and I was quickly realizing that was the alpha male in him. He was a little controlling when it came to me, and somehow, I liked it.
I also noticed he called me “little rose” when he was being seductive and sweet. He called me by my name when he meant business and he called me “babe”, when he was in a good mood.
Donovan was definitely a control freak when it came to having sex, and that was exactly what I needed in a partner. He commanded my body in ways that I’d craved. Of course, I’d never had more than one orgasm at a time, before him. Not even when I used my vibrator. The pain I needed to achieve release was not something I could do to myself, so I hardly ever got myself off.
“Why not?” I asked, trying to take a step back, but he wasn’t letting me go.
“We don’t have time,” he said, turning away and releasing me. “Plus, I like smelling myself on your skin when I kiss you.”
“You’re a caveman,” I laughed, but complied and walked to my closet.
He left me alone to dress, and I found a pale blue blouse that was cut short in the front and would rest right at the waistband of my denim shorts. The sides were longer and ended at a point on my hips. I wasn’t sure what shoes to wear, because I didn’t know if we were walking or riding his motorcycle.
I found him sitting on my couch, looking over my lesson plan, “This is amazing.”
“Amazing?” I asked, raising a brow.
“The way you planned the class on the Spanish Inquisition,” he shrugged. “It was one of the darker periods in Spanish history, you know?” I smiled warmly at his nonchalance over the subject.
“Are you a history buff?” I laughed, grabbing my purse.
“A little,” he blushed. “I just find it interesting.”
“Well, tell me what shoes I need to wear and then we can talk about the Inquisition on the way to dinner,” I said.
“Sure,” he laughed, standing up from the couch.
Since the night was cool enough to walk, I grabbed a pair of comfortable flats and locked up my apartment. We casually strolled down the sidewalk and talked about censorship, paranoia, and religion in Spain. A young guy stopped us and asked Donovan for an autograph, but mostly we were left alone.
When we walked into the restaurant, we were met with two pairs of eyes that looked like they’d seen a ghost. The lead singer and drummer of Ares Revenge stood up quickly and both of them gave Donovan a strange look. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable…like I didn’t belong.
“Guys, this is Heather Rose,” he said, quickly. I couldn’t see his reaction to his bandmates’ staring at me, but I did notice when they visibly relaxed at the mention of my name. Why was I so paranoid? “Heather this is Knox Larsen and Liam Daley.”
“Nice to meet you,” Knox said, rising out of his seat to shake my hand. He was not quite as tall as
Donovan, but the lead singer was just as gorgeous. His blonde hair was long in the front and short in the back, the bangs covered one of his emerald green eyes.
“Hey, beautiful,” Liam smiled as he took my hand and kissed me on the cheek. “It’s nice to meet Donovan’s girl.” The drummer was a few inches taller than Donovan and his head was shaved completely bald. There wasn’t a guy in the band that was bad looking. I smiled to myself when I realized I’d be having dinner with three quarters of Ares Revenge. Even though I only had eyes for the sexy bassist, I still noticed the women in the room staring after all three men.
I took my seat next to Donovan in the booth. Liam and Knox were sitting in chairs with their backs to the restaurant. Immediately, Donovan’s hand landed on my knee, and I shivered when he rubbed his thumb softly over my kneecap, before sliding up to my inner thigh.
A waitress came by and asked for our drink order. Donovan ordered water and the other two asked for beer. I was the odd one out and asked for a cup of coffee.
“Little late for coffee?” Liam smiled, raising a brow.
“Well, I have a lesson plan to finish, but people keep coming by my house and dragging me out,” I smirked, not looking toward Donovan. “I’m going to be up all night getting it finished.”
“Well, we can keep him busy later and out of your hair,” Liam winked. “So, you’re a teacher?”
“Yes,” I smiled. “I teach high school history.”
“Oh, she’s smart, Donny,” Knox laughed, leaning back in his seat. “She’s perfect for you.”
“He’s secretly a nerd,” Liam teased, taking a sip of his drink. Donovan smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. He seemed to be gauging his bandmate’s reaction toward me. Was he worried they wouldn’t like me? Why couldn’t I shake the uneasy feeling floating around the table?
“He knows a lot about the Spanish Inquisition,” I laughed, nervously. Both guys shook their heads and paused in their teasing to place their order with the waitress who’d just returned and was looking at all three of them a little star struck.