Savage (Rise of the Pride, Book 3) Page 7
“I am so sorry,” he whispered, still touching the scar. “Are you okay now?”
“Yes,” she grinned. “It took some time, but I’m okay. I don’t have any residual effects from the surgery or the accident.”
“Why do you hide yourself?” he continued, finally looking into her eyes.
“Savage,” she warned, her eyes closing in shame.
“We will stay here until you tell me.” Savage continued touching her and the sensations were driving her mad with lust. Her panther was pushing at her mind again, demanding she just lay down and let him mount her. Holy hell!
He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her scar, moving lower to her stomach. When he moved to her hips, she started to protest, but all of the squirming in the world wouldn’t shake Savage from holding her down.
“Please don’t,” she begged, a tear welling up in her eye. When the wetness rolled over her lashes and trailed down the side of her face, Savage’s eyes sparked amber and she watched as his canines made an appearance as they thickened.
“Who made you feel this way about yourself?” he demanded. “Tell me!”
“No one,” she replied. It was true. All of her insecurities were of her own doing. “I’ve never been thin or beautiful, Savage. It’s just who I am.”
“You are beautiful,” he replied, leaning over to nip at her bottom lip. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
Mary Grace flexed her fingers as he kissed her. She wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and accept him, but he wasn’t going to let her go. His lips blazed a path of fire over her jaw and onto her neck. She turned to the side to allow him the space he needed to nip at the spot where her neck and shoulder met. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew that was where he would bite her.
“If this is who you are, sweetheart, then I want all of you,” he admitted. “Don’t ever change.”
“You don’t even know me,” she breathed out. God, she couldn’t even think when he was that close. His scent…those muscles…that hardness between his legs. It all called to her on a primal level even she didn’t know she possessed.
“My panther does,” Savage explained, nipping at her ear. “And that’s all that matters.”
“Savage,” she whimpered. “I don’t even know what’s happening to my mind right now and…and you touching me is making me feel things I didn’t know I would ever have the opportunity to feel with you.”
“I’m going to touch every inch of you, sweetheart.” He smiled, running his thumbs over each of her nipples before moving down her body. “Here, on your thick hips that make my cock rock hard.” He followed up his statement with a touch to her hips.
“Hmmm,” she purred, closing her eyes as his gentle touch registered in her mind. She laid there, unable to move as he examined and rattled off all of the spots he enjoyed about her body. Granted, it sounded like a grocery list, but with each new place, she felt herself going slowly insane for Savage to finally mount her. This animal inside her demanded it.
“Your breasts are perfect for my hands.”
“Your waist is small and the softness of your belly is perfect for my teeth to nip when I want to play.”
“Your legs are long, thick, and sexy.”
He kept going over the list of things he liked about her body and it took a moment to realize there wasn’t a spot that he missed. Had this man been that observant of her over the past few months?
Savage moved so he wasn’t straddling her legs anymore. Mary Grace thought she was going to be untied, but he wasn’t done with his exploration.
“I can scent your desire for me,” he said, running his thumbs down the inside of her legs. When he got to her knees, he pushed them apart so her most intimate area was exposed. She was too far gone in her lust to protest.
Mary Grace gasped when he buried his face between her legs. The panther inside her roared from the touch of its mate. Savage purred as he feasted on her body. The roughness of his tongue sent her body into a climax that made tears leak from her eyes. Her hands flexed and she felt her canines thicken in her mouth. He lapped at her tenderness until she was primed for another release.
“Please, Savage,” she cried, her legs scissoring next to his head. The softness of his dark hair tickled the inside of her thighs and he kept a bruising hold on the outside of her hips while he continued as if he hadn’t heard a word spoken from her mouth. “Savage!”
His teeth nipped at the inside of her thigh as he pulled back. When she glanced down, his eyes were glowing amber and his canines were so thick they made him look even deadlier than usual. It should’ve scared her but it didn’t. No, in fact, it made her body burn for more.
“Tell me that you are mine,” he growled, his face thickening as his panther pushed forward. The features of his beast caused the skin on his cheeks to ripple. Mary Grace’s panther responded to him by releasing a contented purr at seeing her mate so hungry for her.
“Make me yours,” she heard herself say. The animal under her skin demanded it.
Savage prowled up her body. The scent coming from his skin swirled around them as she pushed her head back into the pillows. She wanted him to touch her…to make love to her, but she had a feeling Savage wasn’t going to be a gentle lover.
She looked at her wrists when his hand moved toward the rope. A claw extended from his human fingertips, slicing through the thick material with ease. He retracted his claw and took her wrists into his large hands, rubbing the feeling back into them before placing a kiss to the back of her hands.
“Roll over,” he growled, urging her with a push on her hips. Her panther snarled in her head, demanding the human do what was instinct to their animals. Mary Grace rolled to her knees and immediately pressed her face into the mattress, turning her head to the side. Savage’s hands slowly skimmed over the curve of her ass as he rumbled in approval.
“This is the way we mate,” he purred, wrapping her long hair around his hand. Mary Grace moaned when he made a fist and pulled her up so her back was to his chest. His breath fluttered across her shoulder as he held her immobile. “I’m going to mark you tonight, sweetheart. It is your decision if you mark me. I will warn you that if you do, this connects us…forever.”
“Do it,” she growled, her panther pushing against her human skin. The beast wanted out…it wanted to bite him.
Savage pulled on her hair, tilting her head to the side. Bumps raised on the skin of her neck as he leaned in closer. His rough tongue laid a path of heated promise as he tasted her skin. The moment he struck with his teeth, his cock pressed into her sex. Her body convulsed and she orgasmed immediately.
There was no way to move as he took her as their nature insisted. With every thrust of his hardness, Mary Grace felt her body floating on a high that no drug could produce. The moment his canines released her neck, she grunted at the loss. Savage chuckled as his tongue lapped at the spot where he’d marked her.
At the absence of his bite, her panther snarled, demanding she do the same to Savage. He fell to the bed when she bucked against him, silently demanding that he release his hold on her. Mary Grace didn’t have any shyness when she threw a leg over his hips and took his cock back into her body. Savage cursed as she took him completely, rising and falling a few times before she used her hand to push his head to the side.
“Mark me, mate,” he growled.
Her sharp teeth struck at the corded muscle where his neck and shoulder met. Thick, tangy blood entered her mouth and she swallowed it down, completing the mating…connecting them for life. She repeated his actions by swiping her rough tongue across his mark, ensuring it healed just enough to close the wound, but a scar would remain.
“Now, I will fuck you the way I’ve wanted to since the day I first saw you,” he vowed.
Mary Grace yelped as Savage pushed her over onto her back. He entered her swiftly, and with one hand, grabbed the headboard. His other hand clasped the back of her thigh, pulling it higher over his
“I want to be the only one who hears your pleasure, Mary Grace,” he warned, taking her lips with his own.
Savage’s muscular chest pressed against her breasts and it felt like he was trying to get under her skin. He rolled his hips as if he was looking for the spot that made her go over the edge, finding it with ease. The animal inside her calmed as she ran her hands over his back, coming to rest on his tight ass, her nails biting into the flesh.
A quickening started building in her core. A flash of heat burned across her body as he released her hip and ran his hand up her side, only stopping when he took her breast into his hand. He released her lips and found his way to her nipple, licking and biting it until she cried out.
She begged…pleaded for him to move faster…slower…anything! Her body was coiled tight, waiting for release. Knowing she was on the cusp, Savage reached between their bodies and found the nub at her core. His large fingers circled it once…twice, and on the third time, she exploded.
“Fuck me, Savage,” she cried, closing her eyes as he pushed deeper inside her. His body vibrated and sweat beaded up on his chest as he gave her what she was begging for.
“Shh,” he growled, his eyes sparking amber again before taking her mouth to swallow her cries of pleasure.
Mary Grace let go of her hold on her human and panther side and just felt for the first time since she’d been turned. Savage was insatiable in his love-making. He kept thrusting, pushing her further and further up the bed, but at that moment, she really didn’t care.
The man she’d fantasized about for months was hers.
And she was his…forever.
It was hours before he finally collapsed on his back beside her, pulling her body close to his side. She was in a daze. A euphoria of contentment kept her quiet as he brushed the long strands of hair away from the mating mark on her neck. His chest rumbled occasionally as they lay there in silence. Neither one of them made a move to leave each other’s arms.
Mary Grace could get used to the way Savage cared for her. He may be a deadly predator, but on the inside, he was soft and observant of her. When she looked up into his eyes, all she saw there was pride and happiness, and that was something she quickly realized was only meant for her.
“I talked to Liberty about you taking off this week,” Savage said, rolling on his side and taking her into his arms. It took a moment for his words to register as he nuzzled the mating mark on her neck.
“Wait,” she grimaced, pushing him back. “I can’t miss work, Savage.”
“Your body has gone through a trauma, Mary Grace,” he said, narrowing his eyes. Those eyes were sparking amber flecks and she wanted to rub her thumb across his brow, but she was just too tired to argue with him.
“But I feel fine,” she sighed. “I’m not going to stay down for long, Savage. I have to work.”
“I’d rather you not,” he admitted, raising up on his elbow.
“I have a feeling you are not going to budge on this.” Mary Grace sighed, knowing she was going to go into work anyway. It didn’t matter what he said to convince her that sitting around all day was going to pay her bills.
“No, I’m not,” he stated.
Yeah, she wasn’t going to listen to him. She had a feeling he’d want to tie her to the bed again, and if she were honest with herself, she liked the way he dealt out her punishments.
Chapter Six
Mary Grace entered the bar, ignoring all of the new scents that drifted across her senses. She flinched when the music over the speakers hurt her sensitive ears. The first thing she did was walk behind the bar and turn the music down just a few notches. There would be no way she could work without getting a damn headache.
This animal inside her was quiet for once and she breathed a sigh of relief when she didn’t feel it pushing at her mind and body. It was getting easier to accept her new status after Savage had explained about their kind.
She wasn’t going to say she didn’t want to be a shifter. Hell, she was just glad that she was alive and breathing. If it wasn’t for Savage, she’d be six feet under right now. Six months ago, she would’ve never thought her life would’ve turned out this way.
The whole mate thing threw her at first, but she understood it now that she let this new life inside her free. She’d been interested in Savage before, but more of a “he’s out of my league” type of interest. Smiling to herself, she remembered him tying her to the bed just to show her how much her body appealed to him.
She wasn’t scared anymore of him seeing her scar or her body. The time spent with Savage over the weekend had been an eye opening experience. He made her feel alive…beautiful. Somehow, fate had stepped in and altered the course of her future. She would never argue with anyone about finding their soul mate, because she could feel the connection between them deep inside. At first, she wondered if it was just the panther who claimed him as her own, but somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew that Savage would end up being the man who loved her.
Liberty and Nova had taken her aside and explained more about the connection she had with the Guardian. Most panthers found their mates first and love would come with time. Mary Grace couldn’t say that she loved him, but she did feel something growing between them. He was soft and caring when they were alone, but harsh and deadly when he was in protector mode.
After grabbing her apron and order pad, she stopped off at the kitchen to check on Moe. He was prepping for the Monday lunch rush and did nothing more than give her a wink and a nod. Della Carter, the older waitress, was rushing through the door with a heated curse.
“There are creeper vans everywhere today,” she panted, tossing her bag behind the bar. “I thought I was going to be late.”
“Creeper vans?” Mary Grace frowned. “What the hell is a creeper van?”
“You know,” Della said, rolling her eyes. “The white ones with no windows in the back? My baby sister used to tell her kids to watch out for creeper vans when they’d be playing outside. Those are the ones you see in the movies that roll up and snatch kids.”
“They’re probably painters, Della,” Mary Grace chuckled. “There’s that new subdivision being built not far from here.”
“Yeah, well,” Della chuffed. “They can’t fucking drive worth a damn.”
Mary Grace laughed, shaking her head as she walked over to the door. She pulled the cord on the neon sign that told everyone they were open for business. Luke Everett, their part time bartender, grabbed the remote and turned on the two televisions over the bar. The afternoon newscast was just starting as customers entered the bar. Mary Grace showed a group of guys to a table and took their drink order. Within fifteen minutes, the bar was hopping with customers and Mary Grace was rushing to and from the kitchen as soon as Moe would holler that an order was ready.
She knew the moment Savage came through the door. His presence was so thick in the room, even the humans quieted. The Guardian took the stool at the end of the bar closest to the kitchen.
And his glare was deadly.
Fear skittered up her spine, knowing he didn’t want her going back to work so soon after the change, but she felt fine and she needed to work. Mary Grace didn’t have a lot of money and the tips she earned paid all of her bills. She needed the job.
“Hello,” she said as she approached. Her panther purred when his mating scent reached her.
“You’re working,” he stated, glancing around the bar. “I thought we agreed you’d rest this week.”
“I feel fine, Savage,” she sighed, lowering her voice. “I need my job.”
“No,” he growled, shaking his head. His eyes searched the bar and narrowed on something over her shoulder. “No, you don’t.”
“Yes,” she replied, gritting her teeth. “Yes, I do.”
“Come here,” he ordered, taking her elbow in his grasp. She tried to pull away, but Savage was having none of that. He didn’t stop until he had her in the employee breakroom, kicking the door closed with his
“What the hell are you doing?” she snapped, feeling her panther pushing for release.
“You don’t need to be working,” he said, leaning over her and taking up her personal space. A few days ago, she would’ve cowered down and shook in her tennis shoes, but the panther inside her wasn’t scared.
“Yes, I do,” she said, poking a finger in his chest. “I have bills, Savage. I have a home that has to be paid for and I don’t have very much money in my savings. So, you can put those fangs and attitude away. I’m not leaving work just because you think I need some time off.”
“You are my mate,” he stressed, his eyes flashing amber. “I take care of what’s mine.”
“This is something I won’t budge on, Savage,” she snarled, feeling her panther push forward. Her gaze took on an amber hue as she stared at him.
“Then we are going to have a problem,” he growled, his canines poking through his lips.
“Savage,” she whimpered, reaching up to rub the pad of her thumb across his bottom lip. “Please don’t do this.” She needed to take a different approach with him. This thought was followed up with his eyes changing slowly back to the icy blue of his human side. His fangs, however, didn’t disappear.
“I have money,” he said, but quieted when her glare hardened.
“I want to make my own way,” she tried to explain, cupping the side of his face. “I appreciate you wanting to take care of me, Savage, but I need this job. I have never been dependent on anyone in my life.”
“Let me at least help you for a while,” he offered. “Take some time off.”
“Are you going to take time off with me?” she asked, tilting her head to the side as she waited for the answer.
“Well, no.” He frowned like he didn’t understand.
“So, you want me to just sit around and wait for you all day?” Mary Grace raised a brow and smiled the moment she saw that her question had sunk in to the stubborn panther.