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Savage (Rise of the Pride, Book 3) Page 9

“They’re your family now, too,” he replied, taking her hand. “Come.”

  She let him pull her from the bar. It was nice to actually have the evening off for once. Nova was working the floor for the night, and Mary Grace was certain Savage had something to do with that. He’d voiced his opinion more than once about her working double shifts more than three times a week.

  The sun was still bright in the sky as they walked out to his truck. Savage opened the door and helped her inside before making his way around to the driver’s side. Once he slid into his seat, he started the truck and glanced over at her with a smile.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You’re beautiful,” he blushed and put the truck in reverse.

  Mary Grace felt a thrill run through her veins at his words. Savage wasn’t as soft with his fellow Guardians or other humans as he was with her. He treated her like a princess and she loved it.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

  “I’m sliding over,” she smirked, slipping into the middle seat and reattaching her belt. His hand automatically landed on the inside of her knee, rubbing his thumb over the top of her leg. She leaned her head on his shoulder and reached over to turn the music up.

  She could get used to riding in his truck just like that.

  As they entered the town she lived in, the train sounded its horn as the crossing gate came down in front of Savage’s truck. He put it in park and turned his head, using his hand to cup her face. “Come here.”

  His lips found hers and she melted into the kiss. Her panther pushed at her mind, letting her know that she was just as happy with the way their mate cared for them.

  “Your panther is close.” Savage followed up his statement with a flick of his tongue across her canines. Mary Grace snarled low in her throat as her core heated.

  “This train needs to hurry up,” she breathed and deepened the kiss. Savage’s panther purred and his hands became greedy as the hold on her face fell away. Cool air hit her bare skin as his hand pulled at the material of her shirt, making just enough room for him to find her breasts.

  A horn honking sent Mary Grace into a fit of giggles when they looked up and the train had already passed and the way was clear. Savage cursed and put the truck in drive, pressing hard on the accelerator.

  As soon as they reached her mobile home, the atmosphere calmed in the cab of the truck. She hadn’t been there since Savage had found her. With shaking hands, she reached for her seatbelt but Savage placed a hand over hers. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “I need my things,” she whispered. “I’m okay…I think.”

  “A few of the Guardians came by with two pride females to clean up while you were changing,” he informed her.

  “That’s very nice of them,” she said, embarrassed to have anyone cleaning up after her, even if it was her own blood.

  “I told you that you are part of our family now,” he reminded her.

  “I will have to tell them thank you.” She smiled. Savage released her hand and opened his door, sliding out and reaching back for her. As she stopped at the door to her old home, she fumbled around in her bag until she found her keys, handing them over to Savage so he could go inside first.

  The scent inside hit her like a rush of sad memories and she paused as she looked around, realizing this wasn’t where she wanted to be anymore. Her place was no longer alone. In just the short time since the night Frank came to take her away, Mary Grace had had a life altering event and found a place she was more comfortable being at than the place she’d spent the last twenty-five years.

  “I just want some clothes, then I’ll be ready to go,” she announced, ducking her head as she walked toward her room. She took a huge step over the spot she knew she’d been laying in her own blood as she slowly slipped away toward death. What if Savage hadn’t found her?

  “No crying, sweetheart,” Savage said, wrapping his arms around her from the back. She didn’t even realize that tears were leaking from her eyes.

  “It’s still a little overwhelming,” she admitted, fluttering her hand in front of her face.

  “I’m sure it is,” he agreed. “You are still newly changed. It takes time to find balance, Mary Grace.”

  “How long?” she asked, turning around in his arms. She rested her head over his heart and just let his warmth seep into her body. His mating scent drifted around her and she sighed in contentment.

  “It’s different with everyone,” he answered. “With Winter, it took a few weeks. Liberty and Nova took to it a lot sooner. There is no right or wrong amount of time.”

  “You seem to be the only thing solid in my life right now, Savage,” she said, looking up to kiss the spot just under his chin. “Thank you.”

  “I will always be your rock, Mary Grace,” he replied, holding her tighter. “Always.”

  Savage waited patiently while Mary Grace grabbed her personal items. She didn’t even look back at her old home after locking the door and walking out to his truck. It broke Savage’s heart to see her so upset over remembering the day she almost died from the stupidity of her ex. He also still beat himself up for not just killing the bastard when he’d had the chance.

  There had been no word of Frank showing up at his job after Mary Grace was found, either. Winter had put some feelers out through the security company, but so far, Frank was as good as gone.

  The thought of someone hurting Mary Grace sent his panther into a feral frenzy. There was no doubt in his mind that he would kill for her. There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for that woman. Never in a million years did he think the bonding with a mate would be that strong. The utter need to provide and protect was bred into the males, and it was something they couldn’t ignore when they found the mate of their life, but he swore that his feelings for her were more powerful.

  “Are we going to your parents’ place now?” she asked from beside him in the truck.

  “Yes,” he smiled, glancing at his phone, “my mom said she was cooking dinner and for us to join them.”

  “Do you think they’ll like me?” she worried, biting her bottom lip.

  “Of course they will,” he said, taking his thumb and pulling her lip free. “Don’t be nervous.”

  The drive over to the pride’s land took them through the winding backroads, the trees casting shade over the asphalt as the sun began to set. A few cars passed them as they drove, but otherwise, the roads were quiet for a Saturday evening.

  Savage rolled down the windows to let the wind blow through the cab. Mary Grace raised her chin and closed her eyes. “I love the feel of the wind on my face now.”

  “It’s your panther,” he replied, pressing the accelerator down a little harder. The wind picked up and he delighted in the smile she gave him before she rested her head back on his shoulder. Music played but he didn’t hear the words. He really didn’t need them with Mary Grace by his side.

  Savage breathed a sigh of relief when they pulled onto the pride’s land and the sun had set, because he would be driving by the home he was building for her and he didn’t want her to see it just yet. The home would be done in another week or two, and then he would surprise her. He didn’t need to worry because Mary Grace was still resting against him with her eyes closed.

  As soon as he pulled up in front of his parents’ cabin, Mary Grace sat up and looked through the windshield, peering at the small log cabin. “It’s so pretty.”

  “Until I moved into the Guardian’s dorm, this was my only other home,” he told her with pride. “My father built this for my mother and she loved it so much, she never wanted anything else.”

  “It’s amazing,” she gushed, waiting for Savage to exit the truck.

  Before they could reach the door, it swung open and his sister bounded out onto the small porch, scooping Mary Grace up into a tight hug. “It’s so good to meet you!”

  “Sofia!” Savage scolded, rolling his eyes. “Let’s get her inside before you mau
l her.”

  “It’s okay, Savage.” Mary Grace smiled, holding out her hand once his baby sister stepped back. “I’m Mary Grace.”

  “I’m Sofia.” His sister smiled. “Come in! Come in!”

  Savage placed his hand on her back and escorted his mate into his family’s home. His mother rounded the corner and smiled widely, his father trailing close behind her.

  “Mary Grace, hello. My name is Scarlett.” Savage’s mother walked forward and took Mary Grace into a softer hug than his sister had done. “This is Savage’s father, Val.”

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Mary Grace greeted.

  “Dinner’s ready,” Val grunted, but gave his son an approving nod. “Let’s eat.”

  Savage chuckled. His father wasn’t much for talking. He was set in his ways and he was very protective of his family. If his mom had dinner ready, they’d better be at the table before he picked up his fork.

  The kitchen was the same as it’d always been. The old wooden table his father had made for his mother for their mating gift still sat sturdy and strong at the bay window. The thing was almost thirty years old.

  “How are you feeling, Mary Grace?” his mother asked.

  “I’m good,” she nodded, letting Savage pull out a chair for her to sit. He slid into the one to her right and across from his sister. His mom had made steak and potatoes, his favorite. “Still trying to get grounded.”

  “You’re doing fine,” Savage promised, putting a large steak on her plate. When she frowned, he hardened his stare. She was so self-conscious and he swore he’d break her of that nonsense. “Eat.”

  “Geez, Sav.” Sofia rolled her eyes. “Let her eat what she can. You’re such a beast.”

  “And why aren’t you eating?” he asked, narrowing his eyes on the small plate of food his sister had made for herself.

  “I’m eating,” she sneered, cutting a big piece of meat and popping it into her mouth. She smiled and chewed, looking over at Mary Grace with a wink. “He growls a lot, huh?”

  “Yeah,” Mary Grace laughed. “He does.”

  The banter continued through dinner and Savage never mentioned that Mary Grace had eaten everything that was on her plate. She’d been too busy getting to know his family. They loved her. He could see it in his mother’s eyes.

  After they left, Savage returned to the alpha’s home. The house was quiet except for Kye and Evie who were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. Savage ignored them and pulled his mate to their borrowed room.

  “I’m so tired,” she said, slumping on the bed. “I just want to sleep.”

  “Finally,” he whispered, walking into the bathroom to start the shower. When he turned around, she’d already crawled up into the bed and fallen fast asleep. He hurriedly took his shower and returned to the bed, stripping her of her clothes and sliding in beside her. It didn’t take long before Savage closed his eyes and let his panther purr him to slee

  Chapter Nine

  Five days was all it took before there was trouble.

  “Are there any Guardians close to the bar?” Mary Grace asked nervously into the phone.

  “Winter isn’t there?” Savage asked, his heart thundering in his chest.

  “He got caught up at work and is running late,” Mary Grace replied.

  “What’s wrong?” His panther growled and Ranger looked up from the blueprints he’d been studying. The other Guardian moved closer and listened in as Mary Grace continued.

  “There are some men here who are not local,” she whispered into the phone. He heard a door close and hoped that she’d locked herself in the office. “Cole and Luke are armed behind the bar. Nova and I are in the office.”

  “Good, stay there until one of us arrive,” he replied, opening the door to his truck. He was at the home he was building for her and would be at the bar in less than five minutes.

  “We could be just freaking out over nothing, Savage.”

  “If your panther is agitated, Mary Grace, then something is wrong,” he informed her, jumping into the truck. “It’s part of your nature, sweetheart. Don’t ever take that for granted.”

  “Yeah, these guys are just…I don’t know…off, somehow.” She paused. “They look like they are military, but they’re wearing plain clothes. We’ve never seen them in here before.”

  “What are they driving?” Savage asked as he turned onto the two lane highway that led to The Deuce.

  “I have no idea,” she answered. “We didn’t look.”

  “It’s okay, I’m pulling in now,” he stated. “Stay there until I come for you.”

  As he turned into the lot, a white van with no windows was pulling out, heading north toward town. Even with his keen vision, the tint on the windows was so dark he couldn’t see through it.

  He wrenched the door open to the bar and marched inside, his eyes falling on the two bartenders. Cole came around the end and shook Savage’s hand. “They’re still in the office. Did you see the men that just left?”

  “Was that them in the van?” Savage asked, looking over his shoulder.

  “Yes, there were four of them.” Luke cursed. “They are not from around here, and in these parts, that just shouts trouble.”

  “Let me check on Mary Grace,” he growled. “Thank you for watching over them.”

  “No one was going to touch them,” Luke added, pulling back his plaid shirt to show Savage the gun at his hip. “We had it covered.”

  “Good to know,” Savage nodded, relieved that everyone was okay.

  As soon as he knocked on the office door, Nova called out, asking who it was before Savage answered and she opened the door. He immediately found Mary Grace sitting on the couch against the wall. The moment he approached, she stood up and walked into his open arms. “They’re gone.”

  “Thank God,” Nova said, wringing her hands. Her head snapped to the side, her eyes fixed on the door when she heard the sound of boots coming down the hallway. Her face relaxed as the sound came closer.

  “Are you okay?” Winter worried as he walked in the door, taking Nova into his arms and lifting her off her feet.

  “We’re fine,” she breathed, tucking her face into his neck.

  “Did they say anything to you?” Savage asked, looking at both women. They were truly frightened. So much so, he could feel it to his bones.

  “No,” Mary Grace shivered, “but they watched our every move.”

  “I promise you will not be alone again,” Winter declared, cupping his mate’s face. “I will make sure of it.”

  The women nodded and Winter had them sit on the couch, making an excuse that he would go grab them something to drink from the bar and check in with Cole and Luke, but the slight jerk he gave Savage said he wanted to have a moment to talk where the women couldn’t hear them.

  “Do you think they are from Rycon?” Savage asked as soon as Winter locked them in the office.

  “I’m almost certain.” Winter cursed, running his hands through his hair. “I had Noah do some surveillance on the warehouse they are using, and from what we can tell, it’s a legit business. Except for the fact that it’s tighter than Fort fucking Knox. They have barbwire across the top of the fencing and a guard gate for anyone entering or exiting. The security guys at the gate are heavily armed.”

  “Has the sheriff been around?” Savage asked.

  “Noah saw him doing a patrol by the place two nights ago, but he didn’t stop.” Winter shrugged. “Looked like he was doing the same thing we were.”

  “Still don’t trust that lawman,” Savage mumbled.

  “You and me both, buddy,” Winter sighed. “Let’s take care of our mates and get them home. I’m going to ask Cole to close up tonight.”

  “Good idea,” Savage agreed. “I’d like to get a look at this place myself. Think you’re up for a little midnight ride into town?”

  “Yeah,” Winter replied. “I’d like to see the layout of the area with my own eyes.”

  “I’d prefer to not say a
word to the mates,” Savage warned. “Not until we know more.”

  Winter nodded and opened the door to leave the breakroom. Savage returned to the office while the alpha’s second in command checked in on the bar. Nova and Mary Grace were standing up and talking when he walked in the door.

  “We are going to take you two home,” Savage announced, holding up his hand when they started to argue. “Winter is talking to Cole about closing tonight.”

  “I can’t go home, Savage,” Nova fumed, casting a glance at the pile of paperwork on the desk. “I have so much to do.”

  “Like what?” Winter asked as he entered the room, handing his mate a drink and setting a tall glass of water on the desk for Mary Grace to pick up on her own so that he didn’t accidentally touch her.

  “Payroll,” Nova said, rolling her eyes.

  “You can take that with you.” He frowned at his mate. “We just need you home for the night. Please don’t argue, Nova.”

  She started to say something but pinched her lips together and gave him a nod, understanding that the males were very protective of their mates. It would keep their beasts at ease knowing the females were surrounded by the pride.

  “We will send someone for your car,” Winter added, holding out his hand. “Get your things and we will leave.”

  “Let me grab my bag,” Mary Grace said as she left the room.

  Savage followed her because he didn’t want her out of his sight for long. He propped himself against the door and waited until she had everything she needed. When she turned around, Savage was floored by the look in her icy blue eyes. There was nothing there but trust and understanding.

  “You do realize that you are everything to me, right?” he asked. “I know I can be a brute at times, but I promise to make you happy.”

  “Oh, Savage,” she breathed, walking up to him. “You make me happy, and being a brute is kind of cute on you.”

  “I’m not cute,” he huffed, but smiled when she chuckled.

  “I won’t tell anyone.” She winked, kissing his cheek as she walked past him to leave the room.